Skills & Courses


  • Systems Analysis & Design
  • IT Project Management
  • Media & Communication Technologies
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Interactive Advertising Design & Management
  • Computer Programming
  • Business Information Systems & Technology
  • Social Computing
  • Electronic Commerce
  • Network Security
  • Web Development & Administration

Skills Learned

  • Plan & Manage Information Systems Projects
  • Determine, Analyze, & Visually Represent Systems Requirements
  • Design Information Systems
  • Program, Test, & Implement Systems
  • Build & Maintain Team & Client Relationships
  • Adapt to Emerging Technologies
  • Contribute to Technology-Enabled Innovation
  • Model Business Processes
  • Demonstrate Oral and Written Communication Skills

Students must complete the requirements specified below (19 to 20 credits):

1. All of the following courses (13 credits):

  • CSE 231 Introduction to Programming I (4 credits)
  • ITM 311 Systems Analysis and Design (3 credits)
  • ITM 444 Information Technology Project Management (3 credits)
  • MI 201 Introduction to Information Science (3 credits)

2. One of the following courses (3 credits):

  • CSE 102 Algorithmic Thinking and Programming (3)
  • CSE 201 Fundamentals of Information Technology (3)

3. At least 3 credits from the following courses (3 or 4 credits):

  • ACC 321 Accounting Information Systems (3 credits)
  • CSE 232 Introduction to Programming II (4 credits)
  • ITM 209 Business Analytics & Info Systems (3 credits)
  • ITM 481 Introduction to Business Analytics (3 credits)
  • MI 231 Game and Interactive Media Development
  • MI 349 Client-Side Web Development (3 credits)
  • MI 361 Network Management & Security (3 credits)
  • STT 180 Introduction to Data Science (4)