Demand, Salary & CAPM

Students who excel at I.T. Minor skills will find many more employment doors open. I.T. jobs are projected to grow 50% more than the average job.

Salary Increase
Average I.T. undergraduate salaries are $58,000 per year. ranked IT 15th out of 114 occupations for starting salary and mid-career salary. 86% of students are satisfied with their job offer, per IS Job Index

Exciting I.T. Careers
A 2010 survey by found IT graduates had the highest job satisfaction of graduates in any major.

Earn your CAPM soon after completing the I.T. Minor!
The CAPM is offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as a valuable entry-level certificate that can get your career on the right track. Earning a CAPM means you have acquired foundational knowledge about project management that can apply to I.T. or any other endeavor.
Coursework in ITM 311 and ITM 444 now provide the instructional hours required to apply for the CAPM Certification Exam. ITM 311 and ITM 444 cover nearly every chapter in the book on which the CAPM Exam is based (PMBOK Guide, 5th Edition). Whether or not you sit for the exam is optional.